How Psychology And Colors Help Marketing To Society

We know that you know that many of your shopping decisions are influenced by what you see on advertisements.  But what you may not know is that’s only half of it.  Sure, all the little details in a poster or a logo contribute to the allure of the product, but the colors you see play bigger part than you may imagine.

It’s no surprise that psychology plays a huge part in marketing a business.  Ideas and ways to present these ideas are created by marketing experts with the sole purpose of attracting people.  Just as including a baby in a poster for diapers, pastel colors with soft tones such as pink and sky blue creates a feeling of safety and softness. 

Colors play a bigger role in brand recognition more than any other factor.  When a startup creates and builds a brand, it chooses the colors carefully.  It’s these colors that will stick with the brand for a long time, define the company and in extension, be recognized by its target market.

Even if logos are simple (Microsoft Windows is the perfect example), the colors in them will instantly pull potential customers in and make them want to try it out.  Some logo colors relax people, while others, like yellow or red can either excite people or make them a bit hungry. 

Dr. Wayne Imber is a retired professor whose work focuses on developmental and social psychology. He has taught at many undergraduate and masters degrees in Chicago and throughout Arizona and Massachusetts. For similar posts, visit this blog.


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